Click on the sections below to explore and learn more about the Geography curriculum at St Ethelbert’s.


Through our Geography curriculum, at St. Ethelbert’s, we aim to expand geographical vocabulary, increase our children’s knowledge and curiosity of the wider world and promote high aspirations. We seek to create a life-long love of the subject, through teaching our children about diverse places, people and resources. Through the study of natural and human environments, as well as physical and human processes, our desire is to provide our children with a sense of awe and wonder about God’s world.  

 We provide children with first-hand experiences to develop the geographical skills needed to collect and analyse information. We enable pupils to interpret and range of sources of geographical information, including maps, diagrams, globes, aerial photographs and to communicate this information in a variety of ways. 

 Our curriculum is designed to provide our children with the subject specific language they need to describe, question and discuss the world, as well as their place in it. We aim to produce well-rounded individuals by providing our children with opportunities to expand their cultural capital and experiences of the world. 

Our Geography Subject Leader is Mrs Sanderson.