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At St. Ethelbert’s RCP, as a Catholic school, we are guided by the Catholic Education Service who state that Catholic schools are required to deliver Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) in accordance with the teachings of the Church. We take this approach in conjunction with the guidance issued by the DfE.
‘I have come that you might have life and have it to the full.’ (John.10.10)
Relationships and Sex education is an integral part of our curriculum precisely because of our Christian beliefs about God and about the human person. The belief in the unique dignity of the human person made in the image and likeness of God underpins the approach to all education in a Catholic school. Our approach to RSHE therefore, is rooted in the Catholic Church’s teaching of the human person and presented in a positive framework of Christian ideals.
At the heart of the Christian life is the Trinity; Father, Son and Spirit in communion, united in loving relationship and embracing all people and all creation. As a consequence of the Christian belief that we are made in the image and likeness of God, gender and sexuality are seen as God’s gift, reflect God’s beauty, and share in the divine creativity. RSHE, therefore, will be placed firmly within the context of relationship as it is there that sexuality grows and develops. All RSHE will be in accordance with the Church’s moral teaching. It will emphasise the central importance of marriage and the family whilst acknowledging that all pupils have a fundamental right to have their life respected whatever household they come from. It will also prepare pupils for life in modern Britain.
Our RSHE programme enshrines the Catholic values relating to the importance of stable relationships, marriage and family life. It also promotes those virtues which are essential in responding to God’s call to love others with a proper respect for their dignity and the dignity of the human body.
We will endeavour to raise pupils’ self-esteem, help them to grow in knowledge and understanding, recognise the value of all persons and develop caring and sensitive attitudes. It is in this context that we commit ourselves in partnership with parents and carers, to provide children and young people with a ‘positive and prudent sexual education’ which is compatible with their physical, cognitive, psychological, and spiritual maturity, and rooted in a Catholic vision of education and the human person.
Our curriculum is based on ‘A Journey in Love’ RSE scheme (Brentwood Diocese) & the Scarf PSHE scheme.
Our Subject Leader for RSHE is Mrs Haslam.