At St. Ethelbert’s RCP, we believe that prayer and liturgy celebrates God’s presence in our lives; it is concerned with giving glory, honour, praise and thanks to God. It is our loving response, in thought, feelings, words and actions, to God’s invitation to enter into a relationship with Him, made possible through the work of Jesus Christ and the witness of the Holy Spirit. Prayer and worship, in its many forms, are an integral part of life in our school and central to our Catholic tradition and heritage.
Collective worship, individual prayer time and opportunities for reflection are provided for all children from EYFS to Year 6, enriching the religious experiences of all members of our school community, including children, staff, governors and parents. We believe that our provision should be for everyone, whether they are part of a worshipping community themselves or whether school is their only experience of church. All children, no matter their faith background, are included in all aspects of our prayer and worship.
In our school, prayer and worship aims to provide the opportunity for all pupils and staff to:
- Contemplate something of the mystery of God
- Reflect on spiritual and moral issues
- Explore their own beliefs
- Make up personal prayers for themselves or for others
- Respond to and celebrate life
- Experience a sense of belonging to a community
- Develop a common ethos and shared values
- Consider the ‘Big Questions’
- Enrich religious experience
- Grow in liturgical understanding
- Learn prayers that are part of the Catholic tradition
- Reinforce positive attitudes
- Take time out to ‘wonder at God’s wonderful world’
- Come to terms with change and loss
Please read our Collective Worship Policy by clicking on the link below: